make up forの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

make up forの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

make up forの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。

・「make up for」の意味がわからない
・「make up for」の使い方がわからない


・「make up for」の意味と使い方
・「make up for」の例文


make up forの意味とは?

「make up for」は、何かを補う、埋め合わせる、償う、取り戻すなどの意味があります。

例えば、「I will buy you a new phone to make up for the one I broke」は「私が壊した携帯電話を埋め合わせるために、新しい携帯電話を買います」という意味になります。

また、「She worked overtime to make up for the time she took off last week」は「彼女は先週休んだ時間を取り戻すために、残業をしました」という意味になります。

make up forの使い方

make up forは、以下のように使われます。

[something] makes up for [something else] – ~は~を補って余りある
– 例: His dedication made up for his lack of experience. (彼の献身的な態度が、経験不足を補って余りあった)
[someone] makes up for [something] – ~は~を埋め合わせる
– 例: She tried to make up for her mistake by working extra hours. (彼女はミスを埋め合わせるために、余分な時間を働いた)
make up for [lost/time/money/etc.] – 失った時間・金銭などを取り戻す
– 例: We need to work harder to make up for lost time. (失った時間を取り戻すために、もっと頑張らなければならない)
make up for [a deficiency/shortcoming/etc.] – 不足・欠点などを補う
– 例: His sense of humor made up for his lack of social skills. (彼のユーモア感覚が、彼の社交的能力の不足を補っていた)

make up forの7つの例文と日本語訳

make up forの例文7つ紹介します。


I need to make up for being late by working extra hours today.


She sent him flowers to make up for forgetting his birthday.


He wanted to make up for his mistake by offering to pay for the damages.


She tried to make up for her rude behavior by apologizing and being more polite.


He gave her a gift to make up for forgetting their anniversary.


The team made up for their loss by winning the championship the next year.


She wanted to make up for lost time with her family by taking a long vacation.


make up forを覚える

make up forをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。

make up forを復唱し耳から覚える

make up forを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。


make up for
make up for
make up for
make up for
make up for
make up for
make up for

make up forの例文を復唱する

make up forの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

make up forの箇所を意識し、日本語訳を思い出しながら復唱してみてください。

I need to make up for being late by working extra hours today.
I need to make up for being late by working extra hours today.
I need to make up for being late by working extra hours today.

She sent him flowers to make up for forgetting his birthday.
She sent him flowers to make up for forgetting his birthday.
She sent him flowers to make up for forgetting his birthday.

He wanted to make up for his mistake by offering to pay for the damages.
He wanted to make up for his mistake by offering to pay for the damages.
He wanted to make up for his mistake by offering to pay for the damages.

She tried to make up for her rude behavior by apologizing and being more polite.
She tried to make up for her rude behavior by apologizing and being more polite.
She tried to make up for her rude behavior by apologizing and being more polite.

He gave her a gift to make up for forgetting their anniversary.
He gave her a gift to make up for forgetting their anniversary.
He gave her a gift to make up for forgetting their anniversary.

The team made up for their loss by winning the championship the next year.
The team made up for their loss by winning the championship the next year.
The team made up for their loss by winning the championship the next year.

She wanted to make up for lost time with her family by taking a long vacation.
She wanted to make up for lost time with her family by taking a long vacation.
She wanted to make up for lost time with her family by taking a long vacation.

make up forの例文を聞いて把握する

make up forの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。

I need to make up for being late by working extra hours today.

She sent him flowers to make up for forgetting his birthday.

He wanted to make up for his mistake by offering to pay for the damages.

She tried to make up for her rude behavior by apologizing and being more polite.

He gave her a gift to make up for forgetting their anniversary.

The team made up for their loss by winning the championship the next year.

She wanted to make up for lost time with her family by taking a long vacation.





・「make up for」の意味と使い方
・「make up for」の例文


