bring aboutの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「bring about」の使い方がわからない
・「bring about」の例文
bring aboutの意味とは?
Bring aboutとは、「引き起こす」「もたらす」という意味の動詞フレーズです。
よく似た表現に、bring on(引き起こす)やbring forth(産み出す)があります。
bring aboutの構文は?
bring aboutは、動詞のbringに前置詞aboutが付いた表現であり、「〜を引き起こす」という意味を持ちます。
例:The new policy will bring about significant changes in our company.
bring aboutの7つの例文と日本語訳
bring aboutの例文7つ紹介します。
The new government policies brought about significant changes in the economy.
The latest technology has brought about revolutionary improvements in healthcare.
The protests brought about a change in the company’s decision.
The storm brought about extensive damage to the town.
The new teacher brought about a positive change in the students’ attitudes towards learning.
The discovery of a new planet has brought about new questions in the field of astronomy.
The CEO’s vision brought about a total transformation of the company’s culture.
bring aboutを覚える
bring aboutをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
bring aboutを復唱し耳から覚える
bring aboutを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
bring about
bring about
bring about
bring about
bring about
bring about
bring about
bring aboutの例文を復唱する
bring aboutの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
The new government policies brought about significant changes in the economy.
The new government policies brought about significant changes in the economy.
The new government policies brought about significant changes in the economy.
The latest technology has brought about revolutionary improvements in healthcare.
The latest technology has brought about revolutionary improvements in healthcare.
The latest technology has brought about revolutionary improvements in healthcare.
The protests brought about a change in the company’s decision.
The protests brought about a change in the company’s decision.
The protests brought about a change in the company’s decision.
The storm brought about extensive damage to the town.
The storm brought about extensive damage to the town.
The storm brought about extensive damage to the town.
The new teacher brought about a positive change in the students’ attitudes towards learning.
The new teacher brought about a positive change in the students’ attitudes towards learning.
The new teacher brought about a positive change in the students’ attitudes towards learning.
The discovery of a new planet has brought about new questions in the field of astronomy.
The discovery of a new planet has brought about new questions in the field of astronomy.
The discovery of a new planet has brought about new questions in the field of astronomy.
The CEO’s vision brought about a total transformation of the company’s culture.
The CEO’s vision brought about a total transformation of the company’s culture.
The CEO’s vision brought about a total transformation of the company’s culture.
bring aboutの例文を聞いて把握する
bring aboutの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
The new government policies brought about significant changes in the economy.
The latest technology has brought about revolutionary improvements in healthcare.
The protests brought about a change in the company’s decision.
The storm brought about extensive damage to the town.
The new teacher brought about a positive change in the students’ attitudes towards learning.
The discovery of a new planet has brought about new questions in the field of astronomy.
The CEO’s vision brought about a total transformation of the company’s culture.
・「bring about」の例文