encouraged byの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「encouraged by」の使い方がわからない
・「encouraged by」の例文
encouraged byの意味とは?
encouraged byは「刺激を受けて」という意味で、何かに刺激を受けて、やる気や自信が出たり、行動を起こしたりする状態を表します。
具体的には、他人からの支援や励まし、成功体験や良い情報、新しいアイデアや刺激的な環境などが、人をencouraged byの状態に導くことがあります。
encouraged byの構文は?
encouraged byの構文は「encouraged + by + 原因」です。
例えば、「I was encouraged by my friends」という文は「私は友達に励まされた」という意味になります。
また、「She was encouraged by her success」という文は「彼女は成功によって励まされた」という意味になります。
encouraged byの7つの例文と日本語訳
encouraged byの例文7つ紹介します。
My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
The coach encouraged the team to give their all during the game.
The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions during class.
The supportive community encouraged the local business to expand.
The counselor encouraged her client to take small steps towards recovery.
The team leader encouraged her team to work together to meet their goals.
The fans encouraged the athlete with loud cheers and applause.
encouraged byを覚える
encouraged byをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
encouraged byを復唱し耳から覚える
encouraged byを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged by
encouraged byの例文を復唱する
encouraged byの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
The coach encouraged the team to give their all during the game.
The coach encouraged the team to give their all during the game.
The coach encouraged the team to give their all during the game.
The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions during class.
The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions during class.
The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions during class.
The supportive community encouraged the local business to expand.
The supportive community encouraged the local business to expand.
The supportive community encouraged the local business to expand.
The counselor encouraged her client to take small steps towards recovery.
The counselor encouraged her client to take small steps towards recovery.
The counselor encouraged her client to take small steps towards recovery.
The team leader encouraged her team to work together to meet their goals.
The team leader encouraged her team to work together to meet their goals.
The team leader encouraged her team to work together to meet their goals.
The fans encouraged the athlete with loud cheers and applause.
The fans encouraged the athlete with loud cheers and applause.
The fans encouraged the athlete with loud cheers and applause.
encouraged byの例文を聞いて把握する
encouraged byの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
The coach encouraged the team to give their all during the game.
The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions during class.
The supportive community encouraged the local business to expand.
The counselor encouraged her client to take small steps towards recovery.
The team leader encouraged her team to work together to meet their goals.
The fans encouraged the athlete with loud cheers and applause.
・「encouraged by」の例文