ill at/easeの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

ill at/ease

ill at/easeの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。

・「ill at/ease」の意味がわからない
・「ill at/ease」の使い方がわからない


・「ill at/ease」の意味と使い方
・「ill at/ease」の例文


ill at/easeの意味とは?

ill at/easeとは、「落ち着かない、不安定な」という意味を持つ英語の表現です。


例えば、面接前にはいつもill at easeになる、新しい環境に馴染めずill at easeに感じているなどの使い方があります。

ill at/easeの構文は?

ill at/easeの構文は以下の通りです。

ill at ease (形容詞)
– 不安な、落ち着かない、気不安な
例文:I feel ill at ease in large crowds.
feel ill at ease (動詞)
– 不安である、気がかりである
例文:She feels ill at ease when she has to speak in public.
put ill at ease (動詞)
– 不安にする、落ち着かなくさせる
例文:The interviewer’s harsh questions put me ill at ease.
make ill at ease (動詞)
– 不安にさせる、気をもむさせる
例文:His rude behavior made everyone ill at ease.

ill at/easeの7つの例文と日本語訳

ill at/easeの例文7つ紹介します。


She felt ill at ease when she realized she was the only one not dressed in formal attire.


The new employee was ill at ease during her first week of work, but she gradually became more comfortable with her colleagues.


He always feels ill at ease when he has to give a public talk, but this time he prepared well and felt more confident.


The children were ill at ease around their strict teacher, but over time they grew to respect her and even enjoy her lessons.


The atmosphere in the meeting was tense, and everyone seemed ill at ease as they discussed the company’s financial situation.


He felt ill at ease after receiving a stern warning from his boss about his performance at work.


She was ill at ease with the idea of traveling alone to a foreign country, but she decided to push herself out of her comfort zone and do it anyway.


ill at/easeを覚える

ill at/easeをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。

ill at/easeを復唱し耳から覚える

ill at/easeを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。


ill at/ease
ill at/ease
ill at/ease
ill at/ease
ill at/ease
ill at/ease
ill at/ease

ill at/easeの例文を復唱する

ill at/easeの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

ill at/easeの箇所を意識し、日本語訳を思い出しながら復唱してみてください。

She felt ill at ease when she realized she was the only one not dressed in formal attire.
She felt ill at ease when she realized she was the only one not dressed in formal attire.
She felt ill at ease when she realized she was the only one not dressed in formal attire.

The new employee was ill at ease during her first week of work, but she gradually became more comfortable with her colleagues.
The new employee was ill at ease during her first week of work, but she gradually became more comfortable with her colleagues.
The new employee was ill at ease during her first week of work, but she gradually became more comfortable with her colleagues.

He always feels ill at ease when he has to give a public talk, but this time he prepared well and felt more confident.
He always feels ill at ease when he has to give a public talk, but this time he prepared well and felt more confident.
He always feels ill at ease when he has to give a public talk, but this time he prepared well and felt more confident.

The children were ill at ease around their strict teacher, but over time they grew to respect her and even enjoy her lessons.
The children were ill at ease around their strict teacher, but over time they grew to respect her and even enjoy her lessons.
The children were ill at ease around their strict teacher, but over time they grew to respect her and even enjoy her lessons.

The atmosphere in the meeting was tense, and everyone seemed ill at ease as they discussed the company’s financial situation.
The atmosphere in the meeting was tense, and everyone seemed ill at ease as they discussed the company’s financial situation.
The atmosphere in the meeting was tense, and everyone seemed ill at ease as they discussed the company’s financial situation.

He felt ill at ease after receiving a stern warning from his boss about his performance at work.
He felt ill at ease after receiving a stern warning from his boss about his performance at work.
He felt ill at ease after receiving a stern warning from his boss about his performance at work.

She was ill at ease with the idea of traveling alone to a foreign country, but she decided to push herself out of her comfort zone and do it anyway.
She was ill at ease with the idea of traveling alone to a foreign country, but she decided to push herself out of her comfort zone and do it anyway.
She was ill at ease with the idea of traveling alone to a foreign country, but she decided to push herself out of her comfort zone and do it anyway.

ill at/easeの例文を聞いて把握する

ill at/easeの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。

She felt ill at ease when she realized she was the only one not dressed in formal attire.

The new employee was ill at ease during her first week of work, but she gradually became more comfortable with her colleagues.

He always feels ill at ease when he has to give a public talk, but this time he prepared well and felt more confident.

The children were ill at ease around their strict teacher, but over time they grew to respect her and even enjoy her lessons.

The atmosphere in the meeting was tense, and everyone seemed ill at ease as they discussed the company’s financial situation.

He felt ill at ease after receiving a stern warning from his boss about his performance at work.

She was ill at ease with the idea of traveling alone to a foreign country, but she decided to push herself out of her comfort zone and do it anyway.





・「ill at/ease」の意味と使い方
・「ill at/ease」の例文


