apart fromの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「apart from」の使い方がわからない
・「apart from」の例文
apart fromの意味とは?
「apart from」とは、「~以外に」という意味のフレーズであり、主に選択肢を示す時に使用されます。
例えば、「I like all fruits apart from papayas」(パパイヤ以外の全ての果物が好きです)など。
または、「Apart from being a little tired, I’m feeling pretty good today」(ちょっと疲れている以外は、今日はかなり調子がいいです)のように、状況を除いた状態や状態としても用いられます。
apart fromの構文は?
「apart from」は、いくつかの意味で使用される前置詞句で、以下のように構文があります。
例:Apart from math, she is good at literature.
例:Apart from walking, she doesn’t do any exercise.
例:Apart from the fact that it’s expensive, it’s a great vacation spot.
例:The food was good. Apart from that, there was nothing special about the restaurant.
apart fromの7つの例文と日本語訳
apart fromの例文7つ紹介します。
Apart from the rain, the wedding was perfect.
I like all types of music, apart from country.
Apart from a few typos, the essay was well written.
We’ve been to many places together, apart from Asia.
The restaurant had a great menu, apart from the vegan options.
I had a great time at the party, apart from the fact that I lost my phone.
The movie was entertaining, apart from the cheesy ending.
apart fromを覚える
apart fromをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
apart fromを復唱し耳から覚える
apart fromを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
apart from
apart from
apart from
apart from
apart from
apart from
apart from
apart fromの例文を復唱する
apart fromの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
Apart from the rain, the wedding was perfect.
Apart from the rain, the wedding was perfect.
Apart from the rain, the wedding was perfect.
I like all types of music, apart from country.
I like all types of music, apart from country.
I like all types of music, apart from country.
Apart from a few typos, the essay was well written.
Apart from a few typos, the essay was well written.
Apart from a few typos, the essay was well written.
We’ve been to many places together, apart from Asia.
We’ve been to many places together, apart from Asia.
We’ve been to many places together, apart from Asia.
The restaurant had a great menu, apart from the vegan options.
The restaurant had a great menu, apart from the vegan options.
The restaurant had a great menu, apart from the vegan options.
I had a great time at the party, apart from the fact that I lost my phone.
I had a great time at the party, apart from the fact that I lost my phone.
I had a great time at the party, apart from the fact that I lost my phone.
The movie was entertaining, apart from the cheesy ending.
The movie was entertaining, apart from the cheesy ending.
The movie was entertaining, apart from the cheesy ending.
apart fromの例文を聞いて把握する
apart fromの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
Apart from the rain, the wedding was perfect.
I like all types of music, apart from country.
Apart from a few typos, the essay was well written.
We’ve been to many places together, apart from Asia.
The restaurant had a great menu, apart from the vegan options.
I had a great time at the party, apart from the fact that I lost my phone.
The movie was entertaining, apart from the cheesy ending.
・「apart from」の例文