as muchの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
・「as much」の使い方がわからない
・「as much」の例文
as muchの意味とは?
as muchは、「同じ量や程度」という意味を表します。
– I love you as much as I love chocolate. (私はチョコレートが大好きなだけでなく、あなたも同じくらい好きです。)
– She earns as much as her husband. (彼女は夫と同じくらい稼いでいます。)
– Please give me as much information as possible. (私にできるだけ多くの情報を提供してください。)
as muchの他の意味は?
as muchの他の意味は以下の通りです。
(用途):used as much for transportation as for recreation
as muchの構文と使い方は?
as muchの構文
as muchは比較のために使用されるフレーズで、「同じだけ」という意味を表します。以下は、as muchの構文のいくつかの例です。
– I love swimming as much as running. (名詞の例)
– She speaks French as much as English. (言語の例)
– He works as much as he can every day. (副詞の例)
– My car is as much expensive as yours. (形容詞の例)
– I don’t like coffee as much as tea. (名詞の例)
– She does not play soccer as much as tennis. (スポーツの例)
– He does not talk as much as she does. (動詞の例)
– My car is not as much expensive as yours. (形容詞の例)
– He earns twice as much as I do. (給料の例)
– She said she loves him three times as much as he loves her. (愛の例)
– The city is four times as big as the town. (大きさの例)
– I am as much able to do that as you are. (能力の例)
– She is as much interested in politics as to become a politician. (可能性の例)
as muchの使い方
as muchは主に「同じ程度」という意味で使われます。まずはこちらをしっかり使えるようにしましょう。
as muchの7つの例文と日本語訳
as muchの例文7つ紹介します。
I love chocolate as much as you do.
He earns as much money in a week as I do in a month.
I will do as much research as I can before making a decision.
She talks as much as she listens.
He likes to eat as much as he likes to cook.
I try to walk for as much time as possible every day.
The project will cost as much as we budgeted for.
as muchを覚える
as muchをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
as muchを復唱し耳から覚える
as muchを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
as much
as much
as much
as much
as much
as much
as much
as muchの例文を復唱する
as muchの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
I love chocolate as much as you do.
I love chocolate as much as you do.
I love chocolate as much as you do.
He earns as much money in a week as I do in a month.
He earns as much money in a week as I do in a month.
He earns as much money in a week as I do in a month.
I will do as much research as I can before making a decision.
I will do as much research as I can before making a decision.
I will do as much research as I can before making a decision.
She talks as much as she listens.
She talks as much as she listens.
She talks as much as she listens.
He likes to eat as much as he likes to cook.
He likes to eat as much as he likes to cook.
He likes to eat as much as he likes to cook.
I try to walk for as much time as possible every day.
I try to walk for as much time as possible every day.
I try to walk for as much time as possible every day.
The project will cost as much as we budgeted for.
The project will cost as much as we budgeted for.
The project will cost as much as we budgeted for.
as muchの例文を聞いて把握する
as muchの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
I love chocolate as much as you do.
He earns as much money in a week as I do in a month.
I will do as much research as I can before making a decision.
She talks as much as she listens.
He likes to eat as much as he likes to cook.
I try to walk for as much time as possible every day.
The project will cost as much as we budgeted for.
・「as much」の例文