bashful aboutの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「bashful about」の使い方がわからない
・「bashful about」の例文
bashful aboutの意味とは?
bashful aboutは、「~について恥ずかしがっている」という意味の英語表現です。
例えば、「彼女は自分の歌声について少しbashful aboutだ」という場合は、「彼女は自分の歌声が恥ずかしいと思っている」という意味になります。
bashful aboutの構文は?
「bashful about」は、形容詞「bashful」(恥ずかしがりの)と前置詞「about」(に関して)を組み合わせた表現で、「〜に関しては恥ずかしがっている」という意味を表します。
例文: – She’s bashful about her singing ability. (彼女は歌唱力に対して恥ずかしがっている。
) – He’s always been bashful about his feelings. (彼は自分の感情についてはいつも恥ずかしがっている。
「bashful about」の構文は、前置詞「about」が必ず必要です。また、「bashful」の代わりに「shy」(内気な)を使って「shy about」と表現することもできます。
bashful aboutの7つの例文と日本語訳
bashful aboutの例文7つ紹介します。
She’s always bashful about singing in public.
He’s bashful about his lack of experience in the field.
The shy boy was bashful about asking the girl to dance.
She’s always been bashful about speaking in front of large groups.
He’s a little bashful about his appearance.
The author was bashful about sharing her work with others.
She’s bashful about asking for help, even when she needs it.
bashful aboutを覚える
bashful aboutをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
bashful aboutを復唱し耳から覚える
bashful aboutを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
bashful about
bashful about
bashful about
bashful about
bashful about
bashful about
bashful about
bashful aboutの例文を復唱する
bashful aboutの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
She’s always bashful about singing in public.
She’s always bashful about singing in public.
She’s always bashful about singing in public.
He’s bashful about his lack of experience in the field.
He’s bashful about his lack of experience in the field.
He’s bashful about his lack of experience in the field.
The shy boy was bashful about asking the girl to dance.
The shy boy was bashful about asking the girl to dance.
The shy boy was bashful about asking the girl to dance.
She’s always been bashful about speaking in front of large groups.
She’s always been bashful about speaking in front of large groups.
She’s always been bashful about speaking in front of large groups.
He’s a little bashful about his appearance.
He’s a little bashful about his appearance.
He’s a little bashful about his appearance.
The author was bashful about sharing her work with others.
The author was bashful about sharing her work with others.
The author was bashful about sharing her work with others.
She’s bashful about asking for help, even when she needs it.
She’s bashful about asking for help, even when she needs it.
She’s bashful about asking for help, even when she needs it.
bashful aboutの例文を聞いて把握する
bashful aboutの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
She’s always bashful about singing in public.
He’s bashful about his lack of experience in the field.
The shy boy was bashful about asking the girl to dance.
She’s always been bashful about speaking in front of large groups.
He’s a little bashful about his appearance.
The author was bashful about sharing her work with others.
She’s bashful about asking for help, even when she needs it.
・「bashful about」の例文