chase afterの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「chase after」の使い方がわからない
・「chase after」の例文
chase afterの意味とは?
Chase afterは「~を追いかける」という意味であり、通常は動詞の後に目的語をとって使われます。
例えば、I chased after the thief.(私は泥棒を追いかけた。
例えば、She’s been chasing after her dream for years.(彼女は長年自分の夢を追いかけている。
chase afterの構文は?
Chase afterの構文は「主語 + chase after + 目的語」です。
主語は追跡する人、chase afterは追跡する行動、目的語は追跡される対象を指し示します。
例えば、I chase after my dog.(私は犬を追いかけます。
)という文において、主語はI(私)、chase afterは追いかけること、目的語はmy dog(私の犬)です。
chase afterの7つの例文と日本語訳
chase afterの例文7つ紹介します。
She chased after the bus, but it was already gone.
The dog chased after the cat, but it got away.
He always chased after fame and fortune.
The police chased after the suspect through the streets.
She chased after her dreams and eventually became a successful writer.
The children chased after the ice cream truck down the block.
He chased after her until she finally agreed to go out with him.
chase afterを覚える
chase afterをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
chase afterを復唱し耳から覚える
chase afterを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
chase after
chase after
chase after
chase after
chase after
chase after
chase after
chase afterの例文を復唱する
chase afterの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
She chased after the bus, but it was already gone.
She chased after the bus, but it was already gone.
She chased after the bus, but it was already gone.
The dog chased after the cat, but it got away.
The dog chased after the cat, but it got away.
The dog chased after the cat, but it got away.
He always chased after fame and fortune.
He always chased after fame and fortune.
He always chased after fame and fortune.
The police chased after the suspect through the streets.
The police chased after the suspect through the streets.
The police chased after the suspect through the streets.
She chased after her dreams and eventually became a successful writer.
She chased after her dreams and eventually became a successful writer.
She chased after her dreams and eventually became a successful writer.
The children chased after the ice cream truck down the block.
The children chased after the ice cream truck down the block.
The children chased after the ice cream truck down the block.
He chased after her until she finally agreed to go out with him.
He chased after her until she finally agreed to go out with him.
He chased after her until she finally agreed to go out with him.
chase afterの例文を聞いて把握する
chase afterの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
She chased after the bus, but it was already gone.
The dog chased after the cat, but it got away.
He always chased after fame and fortune.
The police chased after the suspect through the streets.
She chased after her dreams and eventually became a successful writer.
The children chased after the ice cream truck down the block.
He chased after her until she finally agreed to go out with him.
・「chase after」の例文