clever at/inの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「clever at/in」の使い方がわからない
・「clever at/in」の例文
clever at/inの意味とは?
clever at/inとは、英語で「~が得意である」という意味の表現です。
clever atは「~が得意である」という意味で、何か特定の技術やスキルがあることを示します。例えば、「彼女はコンピューター操作にとてもclever atだ」ということは、彼女がコンピューターを上手に扱えるということでになります。
– clever inは「~に巧みである」という意味で、特定の分野や領域において優れた才能を持っていることを示します。
例えば、「彼は音楽の理論にclever inだ」ということは、彼が音楽理論に詳しいということです。
clever at/inの構文は?
clever at/inの構文は、以下のように使われます。
例:She’s clever at math.
例:He’s clever in writing stories.
clever at/inの7つの例文と日本語訳
clever at/inの例文7つ紹介します。
She is very clever at solving puzzles.
He is clever at finding solutions to complex problems.
The comedian was clever at making jokes about current events.
She is clever at managing her time efficiently.
The chef is very clever at creating new dishes with unusual flavor combinations.
He is clever at manipulating people to get what he wants.
The artist is clever at incorporating different textures and materials into her works of art.
clever at/inを覚える
clever at/inをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
clever at/inを復唱し耳から覚える
clever at/inを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/in
clever at/inの例文を復唱する
clever at/inの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
She is very clever at solving puzzles.
She is very clever at solving puzzles.
She is very clever at solving puzzles.
He is clever at finding solutions to complex problems.
He is clever at finding solutions to complex problems.
He is clever at finding solutions to complex problems.
The comedian was clever at making jokes about current events.
The comedian was clever at making jokes about current events.
The comedian was clever at making jokes about current events.
She is clever at managing her time efficiently.
She is clever at managing her time efficiently.
She is clever at managing her time efficiently.
The chef is very clever at creating new dishes with unusual flavor combinations.
The chef is very clever at creating new dishes with unusual flavor combinations.
The chef is very clever at creating new dishes with unusual flavor combinations.
He is clever at manipulating people to get what he wants.
He is clever at manipulating people to get what he wants.
He is clever at manipulating people to get what he wants.
The artist is clever at incorporating different textures and materials into her works of art.
The artist is clever at incorporating different textures and materials into her works of art.
The artist is clever at incorporating different textures and materials into her works of art.
clever at/inの例文を聞いて把握する
clever at/inの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
She is very clever at solving puzzles.
He is clever at finding solutions to complex problems.
The comedian was clever at making jokes about current events.
She is clever at managing her time efficiently.
The chef is very clever at creating new dishes with unusual flavor combinations.
He is clever at manipulating people to get what he wants.
The artist is clever at incorporating different textures and materials into her works of art.
・「clever at/in」の例文