cut back onの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「cut back on」の使い方がわからない
・「cut back on」の例文
cut back onの意味とは?
Cut back onは、「減らす、削減する」という意味のフレーズです。
例えば、食費をcut back onする、ガソリンの使用量をcut back onするなど、日常的によく使われる表現です。
別の表現として、trim downやreduceなどもあります。
cut back onの構文は?
“Cut back on”の構文は、次のようになります。
例:We need to cut back on our spending this month. (今月は支出を減らさなくてはならない)
例:Our budget has been cut back on this year. (今年は予算が削減された)
cut back onの7つの例文と日本語訳
cut back onの例文7つ紹介します。
I need to cut back on my spending this month to save money.
My doctor recommended that I cut back on my sugar intake to improve my health.
The company had to cut back on production due to a decrease in demand.
I decided to cut back on my working hours to have more time with my family.
My trainer advised me to cut back on my heavy weightlifting to prevent injury.
The school had to cut back on extracurricular activities due to budget constraints.
My friend decided to cut back on alcohol consumption to improve his mental health.
cut back onを覚える
cut back onをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
cut back onを復唱し耳から覚える
cut back onを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
cut back on
cut back on
cut back on
cut back on
cut back on
cut back on
cut back on
cut back onの例文を復唱する
cut back onの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
I need to cut back on my spending this month to save money.
I need to cut back on my spending this month to save money.
I need to cut back on my spending this month to save money.
My doctor recommended that I cut back on my sugar intake to improve my health.
My doctor recommended that I cut back on my sugar intake to improve my health.
My doctor recommended that I cut back on my sugar intake to improve my health.
The company had to cut back on production due to a decrease in demand.
The company had to cut back on production due to a decrease in demand.
The company had to cut back on production due to a decrease in demand.
I decided to cut back on my working hours to have more time with my family.
I decided to cut back on my working hours to have more time with my family.
I decided to cut back on my working hours to have more time with my family.
My trainer advised me to cut back on my heavy weightlifting to prevent injury.
My trainer advised me to cut back on my heavy weightlifting to prevent injury.
My trainer advised me to cut back on my heavy weightlifting to prevent injury.
The school had to cut back on extracurricular activities due to budget constraints.
The school had to cut back on extracurricular activities due to budget constraints.
The school had to cut back on extracurricular activities due to budget constraints.
My friend decided to cut back on alcohol consumption to improve his mental health.
My friend decided to cut back on alcohol consumption to improve his mental health.
My friend decided to cut back on alcohol consumption to improve his mental health.
cut back onの例文を聞いて把握する
cut back onの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
I need to cut back on my spending this month to save money.
My doctor recommended that I cut back on my sugar intake to improve my health.
The company had to cut back on production due to a decrease in demand.
I decided to cut back on my working hours to have more time with my family.
My trainer advised me to cut back on my heavy weightlifting to prevent injury.
The school had to cut back on extracurricular activities due to budget constraints.
My friend decided to cut back on alcohol consumption to improve his mental health.
・「cut back on」の例文