driven byの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
・「driven by」の使い方がわからない
・「driven by」の例文
driven byの意味とは?
driven byは、ある原因や動機をきっかけにしてある行動や状況が発生することを表します。
たとえば、社会問題を解決しようとする団体が「driven by 社会正義への情熱」と述べた場合、その団体が動くきっかけや原動力が「社会正義への情熱」であることを表します。
driven byの構文は?
「driven by」の構文は比較的シンプルで、主に以下の形で使われます。
- [主語] + [be動詞] + driven by + [原因/要因]
- 例文: He is driven by ambition.
和訳: 彼は野心に駆り立てられている。
- 例文: He is driven by ambition.
- [主語] + [動詞(過去分詞)] + driven by + [原因/要因]
- 例文: The decision was driven by necessity.
和訳: その決定は必要性によって促された。
- 例文: The decision was driven by necessity.
- [主語]: 行動や状態の主体となる人や物(例: “He”、”The decision”)。
- [be動詞]: 主語に合わせて適切な形に変化させます(例: “is”、”was”)。
- [driven by]: このフレーズ自体が「?によって駆り立てられる」という意味を持ちます。
- [原因/要因]: その行動や状態の背後にある動機、理由、影響を示す言葉やフレーズ(例: “ambition”、”necessity”)。
「driven by」は、特定の動機や原因に焦点を当てたい場合に非常に便利な構文です。以下の応用例を参考にしてください。
- [主語] + [be動詞] + driven by + [形容詞] + [名詞]
- 例文: She is driven by a deep passion for art.
和訳: 彼女は芸術への深い情熱に突き動かされている。
- 例文: She is driven by a deep passion for art.
- [主語] + [be動詞] + driven by + [複数の要因]
- 例文: The policy was driven by both economic and environmental concerns.
和訳: その政策は経済的および環境的な懸念の両方によって推進された。
- 例文: The policy was driven by both economic and environmental concerns.
driven byの使い方と例
「driven by」は以下のようにさまざまな文脈で使用されます。
- 感情や信念による場合
- 例文: He was driven by a desire to succeed.
和訳: 彼は成功したいという欲望に駆り立てられていた。
- 例文: He was driven by a desire to succeed.
- 外部要因や状況による場合
- 例文: The company’s decision was driven by the need to cut costs.
和訳: その会社の決定は、コスト削減の必要性によって動かされていた。
- 例文: The company’s decision was driven by the need to cut costs.
- 技術や革新による場合
- 例文: The rapid growth of the industry was driven by technological advancements.
和訳: その産業の急速な成長は、技術の進歩によって促進された。
- 例文: The rapid growth of the industry was driven by technological advancements.
- 個人の価値観や信念による場合
- 例文: She is driven by a strong sense of justice.
和訳: 彼女は強い正義感によって突き動かされている。
- 例文: She is driven by a strong sense of justice.
driven byの7つの例文と日本語訳
driven byの例文7つ紹介します。

The economy is being driven by consumer spending.
The team was driven by a desire to win the championship.
The company’s success has been driven by innovation and new technology.
The political changes were driven by a grassroots movement for reform.
The team’s performance was driven by their intense training regimen.
The project’s success was driven by effective collaboration between team members.
The music industry is being driven by streaming services and digital downloads.
driven byを覚える
driven byをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
driven byを復唱し耳から覚える
driven byを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。

driven by
driven by
driven by
driven by
driven by
driven by
driven by
driven byの例文を復唱する
driven byの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

The economy is being driven by consumer spending.
The economy is being driven by consumer spending.
The economy is being driven by consumer spending.
The team was driven by a desire to win the championship.
The team was driven by a desire to win the championship.
The team was driven by a desire to win the championship.
The company’s success has been driven by innovation and new technology.
The company’s success has been driven by innovation and new technology.
The company’s success has been driven by innovation and new technology.
The political changes were driven by a grassroots movement for reform.
The political changes were driven by a grassroots movement for reform.
The political changes were driven by a grassroots movement for reform.
The team’s performance was driven by their intense training regimen.
The team’s performance was driven by their intense training regimen.
The team’s performance was driven by their intense training regimen.
The project’s success was driven by effective collaboration between team members.
The project’s success was driven by effective collaboration between team members.
The project’s success was driven by effective collaboration between team members.
The music industry is being driven by streaming services and digital downloads.
The music industry is being driven by streaming services and digital downloads.
The music industry is being driven by streaming services and digital downloads.
driven byの例文を聞いて把握する
driven byの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
The economy is being driven by consumer spending.
The team was driven by a desire to win the championship.
The company’s success has been driven by innovation and new technology.
The political changes were driven by a grassroots movement for reform.
The team’s performance was driven by their intense training regimen.
The project’s success was driven by effective collaboration between team members.
The music industry is being driven by streaming services and digital downloads.

・「driven by」の例文