move onの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

move onの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

move onの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。

・「move on」の意味がわからない
・「move on」の使い方がわからない


・「move on」の意味と使い方
・「move on」の例文


move onの意味とは?

「move on」とは、過去のことや現在の状況から抜け出して、進んでいくことを意味します。




move onの他の意味は?

以下は「move on」というフレーズの他の意味の例です。

進む/移動する:場所や物について言われる「move on」の基本的な意味。
例: We need to move on to the next item on the agenda. (私たちは次の議題に進む必要があります。)
例: It’s time to move on from that bad relationship. (あの悪い関係から脱却する時が来た。)
例: If you want to succeed, you need to move on and take on new challenges. (成功したいなら、進んで新しいチャレンジを受け入れる必要があります。)
例: Let’s move on to the next question. (次の質問に移りましょう。)
例: I failed the first time, but I’m going to move on and try again. (最初は失敗したけど、もう一度やってみるつもり。)

move onの構文と使い方は?

move onの構文

「move on」は、過去の出来事から前向きに進んでいく、乗り越える、立ち直る、次に進む、別のことに取り組む、などの意味を持ちます。様々な状況や文脈で使われますが、よく使われる構文には以下のようなものがあります。

「move on」+ from/to
– I need to move on from my past mistakes.
– Let’s move on to the next topic.
「move on」+ with
– It’s time to move on with our lives.
– I’m trying to move on with my career.
「move on」+ to
– She’s finally ready to move on to a new relationship.
– After finishing this project, I’ll move on to something else.
「move on」+ up
– Time to move on up the ladder and take on more responsibility.
– He’s been stuck in the same job for years and needs to move on up.
「move on」+ past
– We need to move on from our past disagreements.
– She’s having trouble moving on from the loss of her loved one.
「move on」+ in
– Let’s move on in our discussion and address the next point.
– The company is moving on in its development of new products.

move onの使い方

「Move on」とは、過去の出来事に捕らわれずに前に進むことを表すフレーズです。例えば、元恋人との別れや失敗した仕事など、何かマイナスの出来事があったときに使います。以下に、具体的な使い方をまとめました。


例:I have to move on from this job and find something better.

例:It’s time to move on from that relationship and find someone new.

例:I understand that you’re upset about what happened, but we need to move on and focus on the future.

例:We’ve been stuck in this same routine for too long. It’s time to move on and try something different.

move onの7つの例文と日本語訳

move onの例文7つ紹介します。


You need to move on from your past mistakes and focus on the present moment.


It’s time for us to move on from this disagreement and find a way to work together.


After a break-up, it’s important to let go of the past and move on with your life.


We can’t keep dwelling on our failures, it’s time to move on and try again.


It’s hard to move on from a loved one’s death, but we have to continue living for them.


The company is looking to move on to new and innovative strategies to stay ahead in the market.


Sometimes it’s necessary to move on from toxic relationships for our own well-being.


move onを覚える

move onをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。

move onを復唱し耳から覚える

move onを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。


move on
move on
move on
move on
move on
move on
move on

move onの例文を復唱する

move onの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

move onの箇所を意識し、日本語訳を思い出しながら復唱してみてください。

You need to move on from your past mistakes and focus on the present moment.
You need to move on from your past mistakes and focus on the present moment.
You need to move on from your past mistakes and focus on the present moment.

It’s time for us to move on from this disagreement and find a way to work together.
It’s time for us to move on from this disagreement and find a way to work together.
It’s time for us to move on from this disagreement and find a way to work together.

After a break-up, it’s important to let go of the past and move on with your life.
After a break-up, it’s important to let go of the past and move on with your life.
After a break-up, it’s important to let go of the past and move on with your life.

We can’t keep dwelling on our failures, it’s time to move on and try again.
We can’t keep dwelling on our failures, it’s time to move on and try again.
We can’t keep dwelling on our failures, it’s time to move on and try again.

It’s hard to move on from a loved one’s death, but we have to continue living for them.
It’s hard to move on from a loved one’s death, but we have to continue living for them.
It’s hard to move on from a loved one’s death, but we have to continue living for them.

The company is looking to move on to new and innovative strategies to stay ahead in the market.
The company is looking to move on to new and innovative strategies to stay ahead in the market.
The company is looking to move on to new and innovative strategies to stay ahead in the market.

Sometimes it’s necessary to move on from toxic relationships for our own well-being.
Sometimes it’s necessary to move on from toxic relationships for our own well-being.
Sometimes it’s necessary to move on from toxic relationships for our own well-being.

move onの例文を聞いて把握する

move onの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。

You need to move on from your past mistakes and focus on the present moment.

It’s time for us to move on from this disagreement and find a way to work together.

After a break-up, it’s important to let go of the past and move on with your life.

We can’t keep dwelling on our failures, it’s time to move on and try again.

It’s hard to move on from a loved one’s death, but we have to continue living for them.

The company is looking to move on to new and innovative strategies to stay ahead in the market.

Sometimes it’s necessary to move on from toxic relationships for our own well-being.





・「move on」の意味と使い方
・「move on」の例文


