negligent inの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「negligent in」の使い方がわからない
・「negligent in」の例文
negligent inの意味とは?
「negligent in」とは、「〜に対して怠慢な、不注意な」という意味です。
negligent inの構文は?
「negligent in」の構文は以下のようになります。
negligent inの7つの例文と日本語訳
negligent inの例文7つ紹介します。
The doctor was negligent in diagnosing the patient’s illness, leading to a delay in treatment. .
The company was found negligent in maintaining workplace safety, resulting in several preventable accidents. .
The landlord was negligent in repairing the broken steps, which caused a tenant to fall and injure themselves. .
The driver was negligent in checking their blind spot before changing lanes, causing a collision with another car. .
The restaurant was negligent in properly cooking the food, leading to several cases of food poisoning among customers. .
The landlord was negligent in responding to a leak in the roof, causing water damage to the tenant’s belongings. .
The company was found negligent in properly training its employees on how to handle hazardous materials, leading to a serious accident. .
negligent inを覚える
negligent inをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
negligent inを復唱し耳から覚える
negligent inを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
negligent in
negligent in
negligent in
negligent in
negligent in
negligent in
negligent in
negligent inの例文を復唱する
negligent inの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
The doctor was negligent in diagnosing the patient’s illness, leading to a delay in treatment. .
The doctor was negligent in diagnosing the patient’s illness, leading to a delay in treatment. .
The doctor was negligent in diagnosing the patient’s illness, leading to a delay in treatment. .
The company was found negligent in maintaining workplace safety, resulting in several preventable accidents. .
The company was found negligent in maintaining workplace safety, resulting in several preventable accidents. .
The company was found negligent in maintaining workplace safety, resulting in several preventable accidents. .
The landlord was negligent in repairing the broken steps, which caused a tenant to fall and injure themselves. .
The landlord was negligent in repairing the broken steps, which caused a tenant to fall and injure themselves. .
The landlord was negligent in repairing the broken steps, which caused a tenant to fall and injure themselves. .
The driver was negligent in checking their blind spot before changing lanes, causing a collision with another car. .
The driver was negligent in checking their blind spot before changing lanes, causing a collision with another car. .
The driver was negligent in checking their blind spot before changing lanes, causing a collision with another car. .
The restaurant was negligent in properly cooking the food, leading to several cases of food poisoning among customers. .
The restaurant was negligent in properly cooking the food, leading to several cases of food poisoning among customers. .
The restaurant was negligent in properly cooking the food, leading to several cases of food poisoning among customers. .
The landlord was negligent in responding to a leak in the roof, causing water damage to the tenant’s belongings. .
The landlord was negligent in responding to a leak in the roof, causing water damage to the tenant’s belongings. .
The landlord was negligent in responding to a leak in the roof, causing water damage to the tenant’s belongings. .
The company was found negligent in properly training its employees on how to handle hazardous materials, leading to a serious accident. .
The company was found negligent in properly training its employees on how to handle hazardous materials, leading to a serious accident. .
The company was found negligent in properly training its employees on how to handle hazardous materials, leading to a serious accident. .
negligent inの例文を聞いて把握する
negligent inの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
The doctor was negligent in diagnosing the patient’s illness, leading to a delay in treatment. .
The company was found negligent in maintaining workplace safety, resulting in several preventable accidents. .
The landlord was negligent in repairing the broken steps, which caused a tenant to fall and injure themselves. .
The driver was negligent in checking their blind spot before changing lanes, causing a collision with another car. .
The restaurant was negligent in properly cooking the food, leading to several cases of food poisoning among customers. .
The landlord was negligent in responding to a leak in the roof, causing water damage to the tenant’s belongings. .
The company was found negligent in properly training its employees on how to handle hazardous materials, leading to a serious accident. .
・「negligent in」の例文