next toの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「next to」の使い方がわからない
・「next to」の例文
next toの意味とは?
「next to」は、直訳すると「~の隣に」という意味です。
例えば、「I sat next to my friend on the train.」という文は、「私は電車で友達の隣に座った。
また、「next to」は、さらに広い意味で「近くに、横に、並んで、続いて」という意味も持ちます。
next toの構文は?
「next to」は、英語で「隣接している」という意味を表します。
(AはBの隣に位置している)例: My house is next to the park.
(Aの隣にはBがある)例: Next to the library is a bookstore.
(Aは左/右手にBの隣に位置している)例: The coffee shop is next to the bank on the left.
next toの7つの例文と日本語訳
next toの例文7つ紹介します。
My house is next to the park.
The restaurant is next to the movie theater.
I sat next to a friendly woman on the plane.
The library is next to the school.
The hotel room next to ours was noisy.
The store next to the bank is closed on Sundays.
The beach house is next to the ocean.
next toを覚える
next toをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
next toを復唱し耳から覚える
next toを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
next to
next to
next to
next to
next to
next to
next to
next toの例文を復唱する
next toの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
My house is next to the park.
My house is next to the park.
My house is next to the park.
The restaurant is next to the movie theater.
The restaurant is next to the movie theater.
The restaurant is next to the movie theater.
I sat next to a friendly woman on the plane.
I sat next to a friendly woman on the plane.
I sat next to a friendly woman on the plane.
The library is next to the school.
The library is next to the school.
The library is next to the school.
The hotel room next to ours was noisy.
The hotel room next to ours was noisy.
The hotel room next to ours was noisy.
The store next to the bank is closed on Sundays.
The store next to the bank is closed on Sundays.
The store next to the bank is closed on Sundays.
The beach house is next to the ocean.
The beach house is next to the ocean.
The beach house is next to the ocean.
next toの例文を聞いて把握する
next toの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
My house is next to the park.
The restaurant is next to the movie theater.
I sat next to a friendly woman on the plane.
The library is next to the school.
The hotel room next to ours was noisy.
The store next to the bank is closed on Sundays.
The beach house is next to the ocean.
・「next to」の例文