obsessed with/byの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「obsessed with/by」の使い方がわからない
・「obsessed with/by」の例文
obsessed with/byの意味とは?
obsessed with/byは、「熱狂的に夢中である」という意味があります。
例えば、「彼女はダンスに夢中だ」という場合にはobsessed with danceと言いますし、「彼は彼女に夢中だ」という場合にはobsessed by herと言います。
obsessed with/byの構文は?
“obsessed with/by”の構文は以下の通りです。
– She’s obsessed with her new job.
– He’s obsessed with playing video games.
– The wife was obsessed with her husband’s infidelity.
obsessed with/byの7つの例文と日本語訳
obsessed with/byの例文7つ紹介します。
She was obsessed with keeping her house clean.
He became obsessed with finding the perfect burger.
The artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect shade of blue.
She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours every day putting on makeup.
The detective was obsessed with solving the case and wouldn’t rest until he got to the bottom of it.
He was obsessed by the idea of becoming rich and famous.
The child was obsessed with dinosaurs and could name every species.
His ex
obsessed with/byを覚える
obsessed with/byをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
obsessed with/byを復唱し耳から覚える
obsessed with/byを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/by
obsessed with/byの例文を復唱する
obsessed with/byの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
She was obsessed with keeping her house clean.
She was obsessed with keeping her house clean.
She was obsessed with keeping her house clean.
He became obsessed with finding the perfect burger.
He became obsessed with finding the perfect burger.
He became obsessed with finding the perfect burger.
The artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect shade of blue.
The artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect shade of blue.
The artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect shade of blue.
She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours every day putting on makeup.
She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours every day putting on makeup.
She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours every day putting on makeup.
The detective was obsessed with solving the case and wouldn’t rest until he got to the bottom of it.
The detective was obsessed with solving the case and wouldn’t rest until he got to the bottom of it.
The detective was obsessed with solving the case and wouldn’t rest until he got to the bottom of it.
He was obsessed by the idea of becoming rich and famous.
He was obsessed by the idea of becoming rich and famous.
He was obsessed by the idea of becoming rich and famous.
The child was obsessed with dinosaurs and could name every species.
The child was obsessed with dinosaurs and could name every species.
The child was obsessed with dinosaurs and could name every species.
His ex
His ex
His ex
obsessed with/byの例文を聞いて把握する
obsessed with/byの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
She was obsessed with keeping her house clean.
He became obsessed with finding the perfect burger.
The artist was obsessed with capturing the perfect shade of blue.
She was obsessed with her appearance and spent hours every day putting on makeup.
The detective was obsessed with solving the case and wouldn’t rest until he got to the bottom of it.
He was obsessed by the idea of becoming rich and famous.
The child was obsessed with dinosaurs and could name every species.
His ex
・「obsessed with/by」の例文