take inの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

take inの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

take inの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。

・「take in」の意味がわからない
・「take in」の使い方がわからない



・「take in」の意味と使い方
・「take in」の例文


take inの意味とは?

take inは複数の意味があり、そのうちのいくつかを以下にまとめました。


例:I took in the package that was delivered to my doorstep.(私は玄関先で届いた荷物を受け取った。)

例:It took me a while to take in the fact that I had won the lottery.(私が宝くじに当選したという事実を理解するのに少し時間がかかりました。)

例:I like to take in the beautiful view of the sunset from my balcony.(私はバルコニーから夕日の美しい景色を見るのが好きです。)

例:The concert hall can take in up to 500 people.(そのコンサートホールには最大500人が入ることができます。)

例:The con artist was able to take in many unsuspecting victims.(その詐欺師は無疑問な被害者を多数だました。)

例:She decided to take in the hem of her dress so it would fit better.(彼女はドレスの裾を短くして、よりよくフィットするように決めました。)

take inの構文と使い方は?

take inの構文

take inはいくつかの意味がありますが、英語の動詞としての最も一般的な意味は「受け入れる」ということです。以下にさまざまな意味について構文をまとめます。

– take in + 目的語
– He can’t take in the news.
– She took in the beautiful view from the top of the hill.
– take in + 目的語
(物)+ from + 主語
– I took in the package from the postman.
– He takes in donations for the charity.
– take in + 目的語
– The dress needs to be taken in at the waist.
– She took in the pants as they were too loose.
– take somebody in
– He was taken in by the salesman’s smooth talk.
– take in + 目的語
– We’re planning to take in the local fair this weekend.

take inの使い方

take inの使用方法をまとめます。

受け入れる、理解する: 市議会は新しい条例を取り入れることを決定した。 I couldn’t take in all the information at once.
取る、手に取る: 彼は新しいスマートフォンを手に入れた。She took in a deep breath.
縫い直す: このズボンは縫い直す必要がある。The tailor will take in the waist of the dress.
観察する: 彼女は風景をじっと見つめている。She took in the view from the mountaintop.
稼ぎを得る: 彼女はその会社から月給を受け取っている。She takes in a good salary.
印象を与える: 彼女はそのドレスを着ているとても素晴らしい印象を与えた。She takes in the dress beautifully.
捕まえる、抑える: 決して手を放さないでください。Please take in the leash of your dog.
減らす: 着てみると、このジャケットは大きすぎます。I need to take in this jacket.
連れて行く、案内する: 彼女はパーティーに私たちを連れて行った。She took us in to the party.
宿泊する、収容する: 名簿に記載された全ての学生を収容することができます。We can take in all the students on the list.

take inの7つの例文と日本語訳

take inの例文7つ紹介します。


I’m going to take in the stunning view of the mountains.


The tailor will take in the dress to make it a better fit.


The museum tour guide took us in and showed us all the exhibits.


The charity organization will take in donations to help the homeless.


The driver had to take in his speed when he approached the intersection.


Our company will take in new employees next month.


The guests were taken in by the luxurious amenities of the hotel.


take inを覚える

take inをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。

take inを復唱し耳から覚える

take inを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。


take in
take in
take in
take in
take in
take in
take in

take inの例文を復唱する

take inの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

take inの箇所を意識し、日本語訳を思い出しながら復唱してみてください。

I’m going to take in the stunning view of the mountains.
I’m going to take in the stunning view of the mountains.
I’m going to take in the stunning view of the mountains.

The tailor will take in the dress to make it a better fit.
The tailor will take in the dress to make it a better fit.
The tailor will take in the dress to make it a better fit.

The museum tour guide took us in and showed us all the exhibits.
The museum tour guide took us in and showed us all the exhibits.
The museum tour guide took us in and showed us all the exhibits.

The charity organization will take in donations to help the homeless.
The charity organization will take in donations to help the homeless.
The charity organization will take in donations to help the homeless.

The driver had to take in his speed when he approached the intersection.
The driver had to take in his speed when he approached the intersection.
The driver had to take in his speed when he approached the intersection.

Our company will take in new employees next month.
Our company will take in new employees next month.
Our company will take in new employees next month.

The guests were taken in by the luxurious amenities of the hotel.
The guests were taken in by the luxurious amenities of the hotel.
The guests were taken in by the luxurious amenities of the hotel.

take inの例文を聞いて把握する

take inの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。

I’m going to take in the stunning view of the mountains.

The tailor will take in the dress to make it a better fit.

The museum tour guide took us in and showed us all the exhibits.

The charity organization will take in donations to help the homeless.

The driver had to take in his speed when he approached the intersection.

Our company will take in new employees next month.

The guests were taken in by the luxurious amenities of the hotel.





・「take in」の意味と使い方
・「take in」の例文


