as far as the mind can reachの意味と使い方!例文もまとめ!

as far as the mind can reach


as far as the mind can reachの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。

・「as far as the mind can reach」の意味がわからない
・「as far as the mind can reach」の使い方がわからない


・「as far as the mind can reach」の意味と使い方
・「as far as the mind can reach」の例文


as far as the mind can reachの意味とは?

「as far as the mind can reach」は、「心が広がる限り」という意味です。



as far as the mind can reachの構文は?

「as far as the mind can reach」は、”mind”という語に関する制限または境界を示す表現で、日本語においては「心が及ぶ限り」と表現されます。

形容詞や副詞が修飾する名詞句として使用され、例えば “as far as the mind can reach” は、「心が及ぶ限り」という語句を主語や目的語等の名詞句として使用することができます。


as far as the mind can reachの7つの例文と日本語訳

as far as the mind can reachの例文7つ紹介します。


The vastness of the universe is beyond what the mind can reach.


The mysteries of the human brain are still as far as the mind can reach.


The beauty of nature always seems as far as the mind can reach, yet it surrounds us every day.


The depths of our emotions often lie as far as the mind can reach, making them difficult to describe.


The concept of eternity is as far as the mind can reach


The complexity of the human body is still as far as the mind can reach, with new discoveries always being made.


The potential of the human spirit is as far as the mind can reach, leading us to strive for greater achievements.


as far as the mind can reachを覚える

as far as the mind can reachをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。

as far as the mind can reachを復唱し耳から覚える

as far as the mind can reachを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。


as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach
as far as the mind can reach

as far as the mind can reachの例文を復唱する

as far as the mind can reachの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

as far as the mind can reachの箇所を意識し、日本語訳を思い出しながら復唱してみてください。

The vastness of the universe is beyond what the mind can reach.
The vastness of the universe is beyond what the mind can reach.
The vastness of the universe is beyond what the mind can reach.

The mysteries of the human brain are still as far as the mind can reach.
The mysteries of the human brain are still as far as the mind can reach.
The mysteries of the human brain are still as far as the mind can reach.

The beauty of nature always seems as far as the mind can reach, yet it surrounds us every day.
The beauty of nature always seems as far as the mind can reach, yet it surrounds us every day.
The beauty of nature always seems as far as the mind can reach, yet it surrounds us every day.

The depths of our emotions often lie as far as the mind can reach, making them difficult to describe.
The depths of our emotions often lie as far as the mind can reach, making them difficult to describe.
The depths of our emotions often lie as far as the mind can reach, making them difficult to describe.

The concept of eternity is as far as the mind can reach
The concept of eternity is as far as the mind can reach
The concept of eternity is as far as the mind can reach

The complexity of the human body is still as far as the mind can reach, with new discoveries always being made.
The complexity of the human body is still as far as the mind can reach, with new discoveries always being made.
The complexity of the human body is still as far as the mind can reach, with new discoveries always being made.

The potential of the human spirit is as far as the mind can reach, leading us to strive for greater achievements.
The potential of the human spirit is as far as the mind can reach, leading us to strive for greater achievements.
The potential of the human spirit is as far as the mind can reach, leading us to strive for greater achievements.

as far as the mind can reachの例文を聞いて把握する

as far as the mind can reachの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。

The vastness of the universe is beyond what the mind can reach.

The mysteries of the human brain are still as far as the mind can reach.

The beauty of nature always seems as far as the mind can reach, yet it surrounds us every day.

The depths of our emotions often lie as far as the mind can reach, making them difficult to describe.

The concept of eternity is as far as the mind can reach

The complexity of the human body is still as far as the mind can reach, with new discoveries always being made.

The potential of the human spirit is as far as the mind can reach, leading us to strive for greater achievements.





・「as far as the mind can reach」の意味と使い方
・「as far as the mind can reach」の例文


