care forの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
けど、そんな中で悩むことは、・「care for」の使い方がわからない
・「care for」の例文
care forの意味とは?
「care for」は、多義的な言葉で、次のような意味があります。
例:I care for my elderly grandmother.
例:Do you care for your possessions?
例:Tom cares deeply for his wife.
例:Would you care for a cup of tea?
例:Do you care for sports?
care forの構文と使い方は?
care forの構文
「care for」の意味は「世話をする、面倒を見る、気にかける」などの意味があります。
以下に「care for」を使った代表的な構文をまとめました。
She cares for her sick mother. (彼女は病気の母親の世話をしています。)
Do you care for a cup of tea? (お茶でも飲みますか?)
I don’t care for spicy food. (私は辛い食べ物が好きではありません。)
They don’t care for their neighbor’s music. (彼らは隣人の音楽にうんざりしています。)

care forの使い方
「care for」は、以下のような使い方があります。
例)I care for my plants every day.(私は毎日植物を世話します。)
例)Do you care for a cup of tea?(お茶でもいかがですか?)
例)I don’t care for spicy food.(私は辛い食べ物が好きではありません。)
例)I hope you take care for yourself.(あなた自身のことをしっかりと気にかけてね。)
例)This company cares for eco-friendly products.(この会社はエコフレンドリーな製品を扱っています。)
注意点としては、「care for」は、人や動物などに対しても用いられることがあるため、文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある点が挙げられます。
「care for」は、以下のような使い方があります。
例)I care for my plants every day.
例)Do you care for a cup of tea?
例)I don’t care for spicy food.
例)I hope you take care for yourself.
例)This company cares for eco-friendly products.

care forの7つの例文と日本語訳
care forの例文7つ紹介します。

I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.(私は両親が不在の間、病気の祖母の世話をします。)
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.(獣医師があなたのペットの世話を、あなたが休暇中にします。)
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.(その団体の主な目的は、ホームレスの人々を支援することです。)
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.(看護師として、私の仕事は患者の世話をし、彼らが快適であることを確認することです。)
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.(廃棄物を減らし、リサイクルすることによって、私たちは環境を大切にすることが重要です。)
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.(親鳥は、幼鳥が飛ぶことができるまで、幼鳥の世話をします。)
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.(その会社の従業員福利厚生パッケージには、全ての正社員の健康保険が含まれています。)
I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.
care forを覚える
care forをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
care forを復唱し耳から覚える
care forを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。

care for
care for
care for
care for
care for
care for
care for
care forの例文を復唱する
care forの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。

I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.
I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.
I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.
care forの例文を聞いて把握する
care forの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
I will care for my sick grandmother while my parents are away.
The veterinarian will care for your pet while you’re on vacation.
The organization’s main goal is to care for the homeless population.
As a nurse, my job is to care for my patients and ensure they are comfortable.
It’s important to care for our environment by reducing waste and recycling.
The mother bird will care for her baby birds until they are old enough to fly.
The company’s employee benefits package includes health care for all full-time employees.

・「care for」の例文