No. | 英語 | 日本語訳 |
1 | Abate | 和らぐ |
2 | Aberration | 異常 |
3 | Abnegation | 自己犠牲 |
4 | Abound | 豊富にある |
5 | Absolution | 赦免 |
6 | Absolve | 赦免する |
7 | Abstemious | 節制する |
8 | Abstruse | 難解な |
9 | Abyss | 深淵 |
10 | Abyssal | 深海の |
11 | Accentuate | 強調する |
12 | Acclaim | 称賛する |
13 | Acclaimed | 高く評価された |
14 | Acclimate | 順応する |
15 | Accolade | 賞賛 |
16 | Accomplice | 共犯者 |
17 | Accomplish | 達成する |
18 | Accomplished | 熟達した |
19 | Accord | 一致 |
20 | Accumulate | 蓄積する |
21 | Acme | 絶頂 |
22 | Acquiesce | 黙認する |
23 | Acrimonious | 辛辣な |
24 | Acrimony | 辛辣さ |
25 | Acuity | 鋭さ |
26 | Acumen | 洞察力 |
27 | Adapt | 適応する |
28 | Adorn | 飾る |
29 | Adroit | 器用な |
30 | Adventurous | 冒険的な |
31 | Adversary | 敵 |
32 | Advocate | 擁護者 |
33 | Aegis | 保護 |
34 | Aerial | 空中の |
35 | Aesthetic | 美学的な |
36 | Aether | 天空 |
37 | Affectionate | 愛情深い |
38 | Affinity | 親和性 |
39 | Affirm | 確認する |
40 | Affluent | 裕福な |
41 | Agglomerate | 凝集する |
42 | Aggrandize | 拡大する |
43 | Agile | 敏捷な |
44 | Agility | 敏捷性 |
45 | Alacritous | 敏捷な |
46 | Alacrity | 敏速 |
47 | Alchemy | 錬金術 |
48 | Allege | 主張する |
49 | Allegiance | 忠誠 |
50 | Allegiant | 忠誠を尽くす |
51 | Allegorical | 寓話的な |
52 | Allegory | 寓話 |
53 | Alleviate | 軽減する |
54 | Alleviation | 軽減 |
55 | Alloy | 合金 |
56 | Allude | ほのめかす |
57 | Aloof | よそよそしい |
58 | Altercation | 口論 |
59 | Altruism | 利他主義 |
60 | Altruist | 利他主義者 |
61 | Altruistic | 利他主義の |
62 | Amalgam | 合金 |
63 | Amass | 集める |
64 | Ambidextrous | 両手利きの |
65 | Ambiguity | 曖昧さ |
66 | Ambivalent | 相反する感情を持つ |
67 | Ambrosia | 神の食べ物 |
68 | Ameliorate | 改善する |
69 | Amelioration | 改善 |
70 | Ameliorative | 改善的な |
71 | Amenable | 従順な |
72 | Amicability | 友好性 |
73 | Amicable | 友好的な |
74 | Amity | 友好 |
75 | Amorous | 愛に満ちた |
76 | Amorphous | 無定形の |
77 | Ample | 十分な |
78 | Amplification | 増幅 |
79 | Amplify | 増幅する |
80 | Amulet | 魔除け |
81 | Anachronistic | 時代錯誤の |
82 | Anarchy | 無政府状態 |
83 | Anathema | 嫌われるもの |
84 | Ancestral | 祖先の |
85 | Ancestry | 祖先 |
86 | Anecdotal | 逸話的な |
87 | Animate | 活気づける |
88 | Annex | 併合する |
89 | Annexation | 併合 |
90 | Annihilate | 全滅させる |
91 | Anodyne | 鎮痛剤 |
92 | Anoint | 聖別する |
93 | Anomaly | 異常 |
94 | Antagonistic | 敵対的な |
95 | Antecedent | 先行する |
96 | Anthem | 賛歌 |
97 | Anthropomorphic | 擬人化した |
98 | Anticipate | 予期する |
99 | Antiquarian | 古物収集家 |
100 | Antiquity | 古代 |
101 | Antithesis | 対立 |
102 | Apex | 頂点 |
103 | Aplomb | 落ち着き |
104 | Apocalyptic | 黙示録的な |
105 | Apogee | 頂点 |
106 | Apotheosis | 神格化 |
107 | Apparition | 幻影 |
108 | Apposite | 適切な |
109 | Apprehend | 理解する |
110 | Apprehensive | 不安な |
111 | Apprise | 通知する |
112 | Appropriation | 充当 |
113 | Arable | 耕作に適した |
114 | Arbitrage | 裁定取引 |
115 | Arbitrary | 任意の |
116 | Arbitrator | 仲裁者 |
117 | Arc | 弧 |
118 | Arcadia | 理想郷 |
119 | Arcane | 秘密の |
120 | Archaic | 古風な |
121 | Archetypal | 典型的な |
122 | Archetype | 原型 |
123 | Ardent | 情熱的な |
124 | Arid | 乾燥した |
125 | Armada | 艦隊 |
126 | Array | 配列 |
127 | Arrogant | 傲慢な |
128 | Arsenal | 武器庫 |
129 | Articulate | 明確に表現する |
130 | Artifice | 巧妙さ |
131 | Artistry | 芸術性 |
132 | Ascend | 登る |
133 | Ascendancy | 支配力 |
134 | Ascendant | 優位に立つ |
135 | Ascension | 上昇 |
136 | Ascent | 上昇 |
137 | Ascertain | 確かめる |
138 | Ascetic | 禁欲的な |
139 | Ascribe | 帰する |
140 | Aspersion | 誹謗 |
141 | Aspire | 熱望する |
142 | Assail | 攻撃する |
143 | Assert | 主張する |
144 | Assertion | 主張 |
145 | Assertive | 積極的な |
146 | Assiduous | 勤勉な |
147 | Assuage | 和らげる |
148 | Astounding | 驚異的な |
149 | Astral | 星の |
150 | Astronomical | 天文学的な |
151 | Astrophysical | 天体物理学的な |
152 | Astute | 抜け目ない |
153 | Asylum | 保護施設 |
154 | Atrophy | 萎縮 |
155 | Attain | 達成する |
156 | Attune | 調整する |
157 | Audacious | 大胆な |
158 | Audacity | 大胆さ |
159 | Augment | 増強する |
160 | Augury | 予兆 |
161 | Aurora | オーロラ |
162 | Austere | 厳格な |
163 | Authentic | 本物の |
164 | Autonomous | 自律的な |
165 | Avatar | 化身 |
166 | Avenge | 復讐する |
167 | Aversion | 嫌悪 |
168 | Avid | 熱心な |
169 | Avidity | 熱心さ |
170 | Avow | 誓う |
171 | Awe | 畏敬 |
172 | Axiom | 公理 |
173 | Azure | 空色 |

No.1: Abate – 和らぐ
The storm finally began to abate after several hours.
No.2: Aberration – 異常
The incident was an aberration in an otherwise peaceful area.
No.3: Abnegation – 自己犠牲
Her abnegation of personal desires was admired by many.
No.4: Abound – 豊富にある
Opportunities abound for those who are willing to work hard.
No.5: Absolution – 赦免
He sought absolution for his past mistakes.
No.6: Absolve – 赦免する
The priest absolved him of his sins.
No.7: Abstemious – 節制する
He is known for his abstemious lifestyle.
No.8: Abstruse – 難解な
The professor’s lectures were so abstruse that many students struggled to understand.
No.9: Abyss – 深淵
The explorer stood at the edge of the abyss, staring into the darkness.
No.10: Abyssal – 深海の
The abyssal depths of the ocean are still largely unexplored.
No.11: Accentuate – 強調する
The designer used bold colors to accentuate the room’s features.
No.12: Acclaim – 称賛する
The film was widely acclaimed for its stunning visuals.
No.13: Acclaimed – 高く評価された
She is an acclaimed author of several best-selling novels.
No.14: Acclimate – 順応する
It took him a few months to acclimate to the new environment.
No.15: Accolade – 賞賛
The scientist received an accolade for her groundbreaking research.
No.16: Accomplice – 共犯者
He was arrested as an accomplice in the robbery.
No.17: Accomplish – 達成する
With determination, she was able to accomplish her goals.
No.18: Accomplished – 熟達した
He is an accomplished musician with numerous awards.
No.19: Accord – 一致
The two countries reached an accord on trade policies.
No.20: Accumulate – 蓄積する
Over the years, she managed to accumulate a substantial amount of wealth.
No.21: Acme – 絶頂
Winning the championship was the acme of his career.
No.22: Acquiesce – 黙認する
They decided to acquiesce to the demands to avoid further conflict.
No.23: Acrimonious – 辛辣な
Their divorce was marked by an acrimonious legal battle.
No.24: Acrimony – 辛辣さ
The debate ended with acrimony on both sides.
No.25: Acuity – 鋭さ
His intellectual acuity made him a formidable opponent in debates.
No.26: Acumen – 洞察力
Her business acumen led to the company’s success.
No.27: Adapt – 適応する
Animals must adapt to their environment to survive.
No.28: Adorn – 飾る
The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings.
No.29: Adroit – 器用な
He is adroit at solving complex problems.
No.30: Adventurous – 冒険的な
She has always been an adventurous traveler, exploring remote places.
No.31: Adversary – 敵
He was a formidable adversary in the chess tournament.
No.32: Advocate – 擁護者
She is a passionate advocate for environmental protection.
No.33: Aegis – 保護
The project was developed under the aegis of the university.
No.34: Aerial – 空中の
The aerial view of the city was breathtaking.
No.35: Aesthetic – 美学的な
The building’s design is both functional and aesthetic.
No.36: Aether – 天空
The ancient philosophers believed in the existence of aether.
No.37: Affectionate – 愛情深い
The dog is very affectionate towards its owner.
No.38: Affinity – 親和性
She felt an immediate affinity with the new colleague.
No.39: Affirm – 確認する
The witness affirmed the truth of the statement.
No.40: Affluent – 裕福な
He grew up in an affluent neighborhood.
No.41: Agglomerate – 凝集する
The small businesses agglomerated to form a larger corporation.
No.42: Aggrandize – 拡大する
The king sought to aggrandize his power and influence.
No.43: Agile – 敏捷な
The athlete was incredibly agile on the field.
No.44: Agility – 敏捷性
Her agility in solving problems impressed everyone.
No.45: Alacritous – 敏捷な
His alacritous response saved the day.
No.46: Alacrity – 敏速
She accepted the invitation with alacrity.
No.47: Alchemy – 錬金術
The alchemy of turning ideas into reality is fascinating.
No.48: Allege – 主張する
The report alleges that the company violated environmental laws.
No.49: Allegiance – 忠誠
The soldiers pledged their allegiance to the king.
No.50: Allegiant – 忠誠を尽くす
He remained allegiant to his cause until the very end.
No.51: Allegorical – 寓話的な
The novel is an allegorical tale of good versus evil.
No.52: Allegory – 寓話
The story uses animals as an allegory for human behavior.
No.53: Alleviate – 軽減する
She took medication to alleviate the pain.
No.54: Alleviation – 軽減
The alleviation of poverty is a global priority.
No.55: Alloy – 合金
Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.
No.56: Allude – ほのめかす
He alluded to the difficulties he faced without going into detail.
No.57: Aloof – よそよそしい
She remained aloof during the entire meeting.
No.58: Altercation – 口論
A heated altercation broke out between the two men.
No.59: Altruism – 利他主義
His acts of altruism earned him respect from his peers.
No.60: Altruist – 利他主義者
She is an altruist who always puts others’ needs before her own.
No.61: Altruistic – 利他主義の
Altruistic behavior is common among many animal species.
No.62: Amalgam – 合金
The sculpture was an amalgam of different styles and materials.
No.63: Amass – 集める
Over the years, he managed to amass a considerable fortune.
No.64: Ambidextrous – 両手利きの
She is ambidextrous, able to write with both hands.
No.65: Ambiguity – 曖昧さ
The ambiguity in his statement caused confusion.
No.66: Ambivalent – 相反する感情を持つ
She felt ambivalent about the job offer, unsure whether to accept it.
No.67: Ambrosia – 神の食べ物
The dessert was so delicious, it tasted like ambrosia.
No.68: Ameliorate – 改善する
Efforts were made to ameliorate the living conditions in the camp.
No.69: Amelioration – 改善
The amelioration of working conditions is a key goal of the union.
No.70: Ameliorative – 改善的な
The ameliorative measures helped reduce the impact of the crisis.
No.71: Amenable – 従順な
He was amenable to the idea of a new project.
No.72: Amicability – 友好性
The amicability between the two nations led to a lasting peace.
No.73: Amicable – 友好的な
They reached an amicable agreement after the dispute.
No.74: Amity – 友好
The treaty was a symbol of amity between the two countries.
No.75: Amorous – 愛に満ちた
He sent her an amorous letter expressing his feelings.
No.76: Amorphous – 無定形の
The concept remained amorphous and difficult to define.
No.77: Ample – 十分な
The room had ample space for the guests.
No.78: Amplification – 増幅
The amplification of the signal improved the clarity of the sound.
No.79: Amplify – 増幅する
They used a microphone to amplify their voices during the speech.
No.80: Amulet – 魔除け
She wore an amulet to protect herself from harm.
No.81: Anachronistic – 時代錯誤の
The movie’s use of modern slang felt anachronistic in the medieval setting.
No.82: Anarchy – 無政府状態
After the government collapsed, the country descended into anarchy.
No.83: Anathema – 嫌われるもの
Violence of any kind was anathema to her.
No.84: Ancestral – 祖先の
They visited their ancestral home in the mountains.
No.85: Ancestry – 祖先
He traced his ancestry back to the 16th century.
No.86: Anecdotal – 逸話的な
The evidence was purely anecdotal, lacking scientific rigor.
No.87: Animate – 活気づける
The lively music animated the crowd.
No.88: Annex – 併合する
The country decided to annex the neighboring territory.
No.89: Annexation – 併合
The annexation of the region was met with international condemnation.
No.90: Annihilate – 全滅させる
The bomb had the power to annihilate an entire city.
No.91: Anodyne – 鎮痛剤
The doctor prescribed an anodyne to relieve the pain.
No.92: Anoint – 聖別する
The priest anointed the new king with holy oil.
No.93: Anomaly – 異常
Scientists are trying to understand the anomaly in the data.
No.94: Antagonistic – 敵対的な
The two groups have been antagonistic towards each other for years.
No.95: Antecedent – 先行する
The antecedent events led to the war.
No.96: Anthem – 賛歌
The national anthem was sung before the game.
No.97: Anthropomorphic – 擬人化した
The cartoon features anthropomorphic animals.
No.98: Anticipate – 予期する
We anticipate that the project will be completed by next week.
No.99: Antiquarian – 古物収集家
He is an antiquarian who specializes in rare books.
No.100: Antiquity – 古代
The ruins are a testament to the grandeur of antiquity.
No.101: Antithesis – 対立
His beliefs are the antithesis of mine.
No.102: Apex – 頂点
She reached the apex of her career with the award.
No.103: Aplomb – 落ち着き
She handled the situation with aplomb.
No.104: Apocalyptic – 黙示録的な
The movie depicts an apocalyptic future.
No.105: Apogee – 頂点
The empire reached its apogee during the 18th century.
No.106: Apotheosis – 神格化
His contributions to science were the apotheosis of his career.
No.107: Apparition – 幻影
They claimed to have seen an apparition in the old house.
No.108: Apposite – 適切な
Her remarks were apposite to the situation.
No.109: Apprehend – 理解する
The police failed to apprehend the suspect.
No.110: Apprehensive – 不安な
He felt apprehensive about the upcoming exam.
No.111: Apprise – 通知する
Please apprise me of any changes to the schedule.
No.112: Appropriation – 充当
The government approved the appropriation of funds for the project.
No.113: Arable – 耕作に適した
The land is arable and perfect for farming.
No.114: Arbitrage – 裁定取引
The investor profited from arbitrage in the stock market.
No.115: Arbitrary – 任意の
The decision seemed arbitrary and lacked a clear rationale.
No.116: Arbitrator – 仲裁者
The arbitrator helped resolve the dispute between the two parties.
No.117: Arc – 弧
The rainbow formed a beautiful arc across the sky.
No.118: Arcadia – 理想郷
The painting depicted an idyllic Arcadia.
No.119: Arcane – 秘密の
The arcane rituals were known only to a select few.
No.120: Archaic – 古風な
The building has an archaic design that dates back centuries.
No.121: Archetypal – 典型的な
He is the archetypal hero, brave and selfless.
No.122: Archetype – 原型
He is considered the archetype of a modern hero.
No.123: Ardent – 情熱的な
She is an ardent supporter of human rights.
No.124: Arid – 乾燥した
The arid desert landscape stretched out for miles.
No.125: Armada – 艦隊
The armada set sail at dawn, ready for battle.
No.126: Array – 配列
The store offers a wide array of fresh produce.
No.127: Arrogant – 傲慢な
His arrogant attitude made him unpopular among his peers.
No.128: Arsenal – 武器庫
The country maintains a large arsenal of weapons.
No.129: Articulate – 明確に表現する
She is able to articulate her thoughts clearly and effectively.
No.130: Artifice – 巧妙さ
The magician’s tricks were pure artifice.
No.131: Artistry – 芸術性
The craftsmanship showed great artistry and skill.
No.132: Ascend – 登る
They began to ascend the mountain at sunrise.
No.133: Ascendancy – 支配力
The political party gained ascendancy after the elections.
No.134: Ascendant – 優位に立つ
The idea became ascendant in the scientific community.
No.135: Ascension – 上昇
The balloon’s ascension into the sky was a beautiful sight.
No.136: Ascent – 上昇
The steep ascent made the hike challenging.
No.137: Ascertain – 確かめる
He tried to ascertain the cause of the problem.
No.138: Ascetic – 禁欲的な
He led an ascetic life, focusing on spiritual growth.
No.139: Ascribe – 帰する
He ascribed his success to hard work and perseverance.
No.140: Aspersion – 誹謗
The politician cast aspersions on his opponent’s character.
No.141: Aspire – 熱望する
She aspires to become a successful entrepreneur.
No.142: Assail – 攻撃する
The soldiers assailed the enemy’s fortress at dawn.
No.143: Assert – 主張する
He asserted his right to speak freely in the meeting.
No.144: Assertion – 主張
Her assertion that the earth is flat was met with skepticism.
No.145: Assertive – 積極的な
She is assertive in expressing her opinions during discussions.
No.146: Assiduous – 勤勉な
His assiduous work ethic earned him the respect of his colleagues.
No.147: Assuage – 和らげる
He tried to assuage his guilt by apologizing to her.
No.148: Astounding – 驚異的な
The magician’s performance was nothing short of astounding.
No.149: Astral – 星の
She was fascinated by the astral patterns in the night sky.
No.150: Astronomical – 天文学的な
The cost of the new stadium was astronomical.
No.151: Astrophysical – 天体物理学的な
He is studying astrophysical phenomena in distant galaxies.
No.152: Astute – 抜け目ない
She is an astute businesswoman who always stays ahead of the competition.
No.153: Asylum – 保護施設
The refugees were granted asylum in the neighboring country.
No.154: Atrophy – 萎縮
Lack of use can cause muscles to atrophy over time.
No.155: Attain – 達成する
She worked hard to attain her goals.
No.156: Attune – 調整する
He attuned his guitar before the performance.
No.157: Audacious – 大胆な
Her audacious plan surprised everyone at the meeting.
No.158: Audacity – 大胆さ
It took a lot of audacity to speak out against the policy.
No.159: Augment – 増強する
He took on a second job to augment his income.
No.160: Augury – 予兆
The dark clouds were an augury of the coming storm.
No.161: Aurora – オーロラ
We traveled to Alaska to see the northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis.
No.162: Austere – 厳格な
The monk lived an austere life, free from luxuries.
No.163: Authentic – 本物の
The painting was verified as an authentic work by the artist.
No.164: Autonomous – 自律的な
The region became an autonomous republic after gaining independence.
No.165: Avatar – 化身
In the game, each player chooses an avatar to represent them.
No.166: Avenge – 復讐する
He vowed to avenge his brother’s death.
No.167: Aversion – 嫌悪
She has a strong aversion to spiders.
No.168: Avid – 熱心な
He is an avid reader of science fiction novels.
No.169: Avidity – 熱心さ
His avidity for learning new languages is impressive.
No.170: Avow – 誓う
She avowed her love for him openly.
No.171: Awe – 畏敬
The grandeur of the mountains filled her with awe.
No.172: Axiom – 公理
It is a widely accepted axiom that actions speak louder than words.
No.173: Azure – 空色
The sky was a clear, bright azure on the summer day.