








1 . Radiant (輝く)

Her radiant smile lit up the room.

2 . Rapture (心の馳せるままに)

She listened to the music in rapture.

3 . Ravel (解きほぐす)

It took hours to ravel the tangled threads.

4 . Raze (打ち壊す)

They razed the old building to make space for a park.

5 . Realm (領域)

Science fiction explores realms of imagination.

6 . Reaper (収穫機)

The reaper swiftly gathered the golden wheat.

7 . Recalcitrant (手こずる)

The recalcitrant student refused to follow instructions.

8 . Recant (撤回する)

Under pressure, he was forced to recant his testimony.

9 . Recidivism (重犯)

High recidivism rates are a major challenge for the justice system.

10 . Reckoning (計算)

The day of reckoning had arrived for the failed company.

11 . Rectitude (正直)

She was known for her moral rectitude and integrity.

12 . Recuperate (休養する)

After the surgery, he needed time to recuperate.

13 . Recusant (抗議者)

The recusants protested against the religious policies.

14 . Redoubtable (強力な)

They faced a redoubtable opponent in the final match.

15 . Refraction (屈折)

The refraction of light caused the underwater scene to appear distorted.

16 . Regale (もてなす)

The host regaled the guests with stories of her travels.

17 . Regardant (気づく)

He was regardant of the changing tastes of the public.

18 . Regicide (王殺し)

In history, regicide was considered a grave crime.

19 . Regress (後退する)

The economy appeared to regress after the crisis.

20 . Reify (具体化する)

The architect reified her vision in the building design.

21 . Relentless (執拗な)

The relentless rains caused severe flooding.

22 . Remittance (送金)

Many families depend on remittances from relatives abroad.

23 . Remonstrate (抗議する)

The protesters remonstrated against the government’s policies.

24 . Renege (違反する)

He reneged on his promise to help with the move.

25 . Renounce (断念する)

After years of struggle, she renounced her dream of becoming a dancer.

26 . Renovate (修繕する)

They decided to renovate the old house instead of rebuilding.

27 . Renown (名声)

The artist gained international renown for her work.

28 . Reprieve (延期)

The prisoner received a reprieve from his death sentence.

29 . Reprisal (報復)

The opposing forces threatened reprisals for the attack.

30 . Reprobate (渡世人)

He lived the life of a reprobate, indulging in vice.

31 . Reproach (非難)

She could not meet his reproachful gaze.

32 . Repudiate (拒絶する)

The president repudiated the allegations of corruption.

33 . Repulse (撃退する)

The army repulsed the enemy’s attack.

34 . Reputed (評判の)

She is a reputed expert in her field.

35 . Requisition (徴発する)

During the war, the military requisitioned supplies from civilians.

36 . Rescind (撤回する)

The company was forced to rescind the unpopular policy.

37 . Resilient (復元力のある)

Bamboo is a highly resilient material able to bend without breaking.

38 . Resonant (共鳴する)

His voice had a deep, resonant quality.

39 . Resolution (決心)

She made a New Year’s resolution to get fit and healthy.

40 . Resolve (決意)

Her resolve to succeed never wavered.

41 . Resplendent (華やかな)

The resplendent castle shone brightly in the morning sun.

42 . Resurgent (再興する)

There was a resurgent interest in the traditional art form.

43 . Revenant (復活者)

In the horror movie, the revenant seeks vengeance on the living.

44 . Reverent (恭しい)

The reverent worshipers entered the sacred shrine in silence.

45 . Reverie (夢想)

She fell into a pleasant reverie as she gazed at the ocean.

46 . Revisionist (改訂主義者)

The revisionist historians challenged traditional accounts of the war.

47 . Revivify (蘇生させる)

The spring rains revivified the dormant plant life.

48 . Revulsion (嫌悪)

He felt a sense of revulsion at the cruel treatment of animals.

49 . Rhapsodic (熱狂的な)

The poet’s rhapsodic words expressed her passion for nature.

50 . Rhetoric (修辞)

The politician was skilled in the art of rhetoric and persuasion.

51 . Ribald (斜に構えた)

The ribald comedian often pushed the boundaries of good taste.

52 . Riven (引き裂かれた)

The country was riven by civil war and internal conflicts.

53 . Robust (がっしりした)

The robust wooden table could withstand years of heavy use.

54 . Rococo (軽妙な)

The rococo architectural style featured intricate and ornate designs.

55 . Roil (かき混ぜる)

The controversial issue roiled the political waters.

56 . Ruminate (めれんげに考える)

The philosopher ruminated on the great questions of existence.

57 . Rustic (田舎の)

They stayed in a rustic mountain cabin during their hiking trip.

58 . Ruthless (無慈悲な)

The ruthless dictator showed no mercy to his opponents.

59 . Rydberg (ライドベリ)

In physics, the Rydberg constant relates to the emission of light.

60 . Rythym (リズム)

The dancers moved in perfect rhythm with the drumbeats.

61 . Raconteur (話し手)

With his gift for storytelling, he was a brilliant raconteur.

62 . Racuous (がらがらした)

Her racuous cough was a sign of illness.

63 . Radicalized (過激化した)

The marginalized youth became radicalized and joined an extremist group.

64 . Raffish (無頼な)

With his raffish style and disheveled looks, he fit the image of a starving artist.

65 . Ragamuffin (ぼろをまとった)

The ragamuffin orphans begged for scraps of food in the streets.

66 . Rambunctious (手に負えない)

The rambunctious children refused to stay seated in the car.

67 . Ramify (枝分かれする)

The consequences of his actions ramified in unexpected ways.

68 . Rancor (根深い怨嵩)

There was still rancor between the rival factions after the conflict.

69 . Rankle (心に刺さる)

The insult from years ago still rankled in her memory.

70 . Rapacious (はらむ欲深い)

The rapacious company bought out all its smaller competitors.

71 . Rarefied (高尚な)

Only the cultural elite could appreciate the rarefied art form.

72 . Rarefy (希薄にする)

The gases rarefied as the air pressure dropped.

73 . Ratify (ratifyする)

Congress must ratify any international treaties.

74 . Ratiocination (理性的推論)

Through careful ratiocination, the detectives solved the baffling case.

75 . Rationale (根拠)

She could not understand the rationale behind the new policy.

76 . Ravenous (がつがつ食う)

After days without food, they were ravenous and devoured everything in sight.

77 . Ravish (虜にする)

Her beautiful singing ravished the audience.

78 . Raze (地面から takeる)

They razed the abandoned city to make way for new development.
(新しい開発の場所を作るため、彼らは廃墟となった都市を地面から takeった)

79 . Rebarbative (意地が悪い)

His rebarbative attitude made him unpopular with his coworkers.

80 . Rebuke (叱責する)

The teacher rebuked the disruptive students for their behavior.

81 . Rebus (綴り文字)

The rebus was a popular word puzzle using pictures to represent words.

82 . Rebut (批判する)

In court, the defense attempted to rebut the prosecution’s claims.

83 . Recalcitrant (手ごわい)

The recalcitrant prisoner refused to follow the guard’s orders.

84 . Recant (撤回する)

Under intense pressure, he was forced to recant his confession.

85 . Recidivism (再犯)

High recidivism rates showed the failure of the prison system.

86 . Recidivistic (再犯する)

The recidivistic criminal continued to commit crimes after each release.

87 . Recidivous (頻繁に起こる)

She suffered from recidivous headaches throughout her illness.

88 . Reckon (計算する)

I reckon the total cost will be around $500.

89 . Recline (横になる)

He reclined on the sofa to read his book in comfort.

90 . Recondite (難解な)

The philosopher’s recondite writings were hard to understand.

91 . Reconnoiter (偵察する)

The scouts were sent to reconnoiter the enemy’s position.

92 . Recreant (裏切り者)

The recreant spy betrayed state secrets to the enemy.

93 . Recrimination (反撃の非難)

Their argument descended into bitter recriminations.

94 . Rectify (是正する)

Efforts are underway to rectify the unfair policy.

95 . Recumbent (横になった)

She preferred the recumbent position while reading.

96 . Recurrent (再発する)

His recurrent nightmares haunted his sleep.

97 . Recusant (抗議者)

The recusants protested against religious persecution.

98 . Redact (編集する)

Sensitive information was redacted from the published report.

99 . Redolent (強い香りがする)

The kitchen was redolent with the aroma of freshly baked bread.

100 . Redoubtable (物おじしない)

Facing the redoubtable champion, he knew it would be a tough match.








