fascinated by/withの意味や使い方を知りたいときはないでしょうか。
・「fascinated by/with」の使い方がわからない
・「fascinated by/with」の例文
fascinated by/withの意味とは?
「fascinated by/with」は、どちらも「何かに非常に強く引きつけられる」「興味を持つ」という状態を表す表現ですが、文脈によって使い分けがされることがあります。
- fascinated by
「by」は、受け手がその原因や要因に強く引き込まれるというニュアンスがあります。- 例: “The audience was fascinated by the magician’s performance.”(観客はそのマジシャンの演技に魅了された。)
- fascinated with
「with」は、その対象との関係性や持続的な興味を示すことが強調されます。- 例: “He is fascinated with collecting vintage watches.”(彼はヴィンテージ時計の収集に魅了されている。)
- fascinated byを使う場合は、通常、その対象が外部からの影響として感じられるときに使われます。
例: “She was fascinated by the beauty of the sunset.”(彼女は夕日の美しさに魅了された。) - fascinated withを使う場合は、対象に対する個人的な深い関心や愛好の気持ちが含まれていることが多いです。
例: “They are fascinated with exploring new cultures.”(彼らは新しい文化を探求することに魅了されている。)
fascinated by/withの構文は?
「fascinated by/with」の構文は、以下の通りです。
主語 + be動詞 + fascinated + by/with + 被/与動詞の目的語
「fascinated by/with」は、「~に/と魅了される」という意味の表現です。主語にbe動詞が来て、その後にfascinatedが続きます。そして、by/withの前には被/与動詞の目的語が来ます。
I am fascinated by biology.
He is fascinated with cars.
She was fascinated by the movie.
fascinated by/withの7つの例文と日本語訳
fascinated by/withの例文7つ紹介します。
She was fascinated by the intricate designs of the ancient tapestries.
He is fascinated with the process of creating art.
The child was fascinated by the little creatures in the pond.
She was fascinated by the history and culture of Asia.
The scientist was fascinated with the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
He was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
The musician was fascinated with learning new styles of music.
fascinated by/withを覚える
fascinated by/withをキニナリメソッドで覚えていきましょう。
fascinated by/withを復唱し耳から覚える
fascinated by/withを7回繰り返し復唱し耳から覚えていきましょう。
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/with
fascinated by/withの例文を復唱する
fascinated by/withの例文を3回繰り返して復唱しましょう。
She was fascinated by the intricate designs of the ancient tapestries.
She was fascinated by the intricate designs of the ancient tapestries.
She was fascinated by the intricate designs of the ancient tapestries.
He is fascinated with the process of creating art.
He is fascinated with the process of creating art.
He is fascinated with the process of creating art.
The child was fascinated by the little creatures in the pond.
The child was fascinated by the little creatures in the pond.
The child was fascinated by the little creatures in the pond.
She was fascinated by the history and culture of Asia.
She was fascinated by the history and culture of Asia.
She was fascinated by the history and culture of Asia.
The scientist was fascinated with the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
The scientist was fascinated with the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
The scientist was fascinated with the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
He was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
He was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
He was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
The musician was fascinated with learning new styles of music.
The musician was fascinated with learning new styles of music.
The musician was fascinated with learning new styles of music.
fascinated by/withの例文を聞いて把握する
fascinated by/withの例文を聞いて意味が即理解できるか確認してみましょう。
She was fascinated by the intricate designs of the ancient tapestries.
He is fascinated with the process of creating art.
The child was fascinated by the little creatures in the pond.
She was fascinated by the history and culture of Asia.
The scientist was fascinated with the possibilities of artificial intelligence.
He was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
The musician was fascinated with learning new styles of music.
・「fascinated by/with」の例文